Aruna Wu

Aruna Wu

The Institute of Developmental and Educational Psychology, East China Normal University

Research supervisor: Dr. Li Xiaowen

A basic problem is about dynamic evaluation of identity.

The intervention is to lead a disorganized collective to positive, organized environment, so as to change the individuals who immerse in the culture. The identity formation in the changing process is the critical part of my study. And I adopt the perspective that self-discovery and self-construction represent two parts of identity formation. In the evaluation of self-discovery process, critical problem is to define optimal arousal context, in which students can take an active role in the activity and feel the intensive Perezhivanie and optimal experience. And in the self-construction process, I focus on process of internalizing problem solving strategies.

The common evaluation method of identity is a questionnaire and these studies often focused on analyzing the characters of identity or characterizing the process of identity development. However, in my study, I would like to reveal the process of identity formation in cultural activity. The self here is an open, dynamic system, maintaining mutual interaction with collective cultural surrounding. So the only questionnaire is not enough here. The evaluation is a pressing issue of my study. In addition, I hope that the dynamic evaluation in process can be a good topic for practical studies of Cultural Historical theory to examine actual effect.

Presentation “Self-identity development in Drama-in-Education”

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