Elena Pogodina
E-mail: elenka_p@list.ru
The title of speech for school:
The psychological analysis of conflicts between neighbours in a student’s hostel
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My name is Elena Pogodina. I am a 24-years-old female PhD student of pedagogical psychology at International University of nature, society and man “Dubna”. I began my doctoral studies in April 2008. I started working on my dissertation project titled “The psychological analysis of conflicts between neighbours in a student hostel” in September 2008. The dissertation is supervised by Prof. Dr. B. Mescheryakov (University “Dubna”).
The aim of my PhD project is to study conflicts in a room of a student hostel: their frequency, dynamics, the maintenance and character. Novelty of our research consists in attempt of using an original technique of studying and preventive maintenance of conflicts in a student’s hostel. We assume and we try to prove that the conclusion between neighbours-first-year students of the contract regulating the basic parties of residing in a hostel, will allow to reduce quantity of conflicts among living both during the adaptable period, and after it. The teoretiko-methodological basis of research was made by general-theoretical positions of Russian psychologists about the interpersonal conflict (A.J.Antsupov, N.V.Grishin, L.A.Petrovsky, B.I.Hasan), personal psychology (B.G. Ananev) and also works in the field of higher school psychology (M.I.Djachenko, V.T.Lissovsky, etc.)
Currently I am writing the theoretically oriented chapters of my dissertation. By the summer 2010 I plan to finish experiment data processing. I would like to discuss the received results with other PhD students.
My interest in cultural-historical theory has arisen with the help of a number of conferences I attended: a scientifically-practical conference “Winter psychological school” in 2005 and 2008, the XV international scientific conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov” in 2008, the II international interuniversity conference of young scientists “Psychology is a future science”. I hope that my visit to the ISCAR Summer School will provide a special possibility for exchange with other cultural-historically interested PhD students and academics and deepen my knowledge of this theory.
One more theme which me interests is: conditions and a training context in educational institutions. Deeper studying of this theme will be useful for me both at a dissertation writing, and in my work.