Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal (BECENE) in San Luis Potosi City – Mexico
Thesis: Literacy practices of the children and their mothers in specific social and cultural context.
Research supervisor: Francisco Hernández Ortiz
I am Juana María Méndez Guerrero, mexican female. I am in the fifth semester of PhD, in the Teaching and Learning Process at Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal (BECENE) in San Luis Potosi City. My PhD supervisor is Francisco Hernández Ortiz.
The main topic of my PhD dissertation is the literacy practices in specific social and cultural context of children and their mothers. The problem is how to joint the purpose between school and the literacy practices in the social and cultural context. I want to assist to the Summer University because I think that is an opportunity to broaden my knowledge about cultural-historical psychology. And I could meet participants from different countries and cultures. Also I would know their methodology perspective and to participate in discussions with them and professional researchers. In addition, I want to present my research project and get a feedback from participants and experts so I could improve it, and also my research skills.
During Summer University, I would like to discuss about the relation between the culture and the knowledge in childhood in different educational contexts.
Presentation “Literacy practices of the children and their mothers in specific social and cultural context”
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