My name is Maria Soukhanova, I am PhD student in the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia. My Research supervisor PhD of psychology, professor Smirnova Elena, MSUPE. My research is devoted to psychological functions of individual property. I plan to use as the methodology approach socio-cultural-historical research tradition.
Socio-cultural-historical approach impresses me since first years of study. I’ve acquainted with works of authors which represent this psychological school (Vygotsky, Leont’ev, Rubinstein, El’konin and others). I’m working with children preschool age as Montessori-pedagogue and psychologist and I use this experience in my work.
The idea of this research appeared after my study of child’s property subjective structure and self-consciousness conducted on the children brought up in the family and on the children in specific conditions of the Children’s Home. I’ve interested in the role of the individual property in child development. Property as a psychological category is considered mainly by European and American, but not Russian psychologists. Therefore, after the theoretical analysis of this object area I concluded, that most effective methodology approach in this case is cultural-historical tradition. ISCAR SU unites Russian and foreign scientific thought. That’s why I participate in ISCAR SU 2012. I hope it will help me to advance on my research.
Presentation “Psychological features of treatment of individual property in early and preschool childhood”
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