Professor Alekhina is a prominent professional leader in the development of inclusive education in the Russian Federation. In recent years, Prof. Alekhina is a federal expert on the development of regional models of inclusive education in the subjects of the Russian Federation and the main creator of the training and skills of teaching staff. Under her leadership were created and realized monitoring studies of professional and psychological readiness of teachers for inclusive education in Russia. Institute of Integrated (Inclusive) Education Problems of Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, headed by Prof. Alekhina, is the main contractor of the State program “Accessible Environment 2011-2015” since 2011, is being implemented of activities to upgrade qualification courses for specialists for psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, heads and teachers of educational institutions, on the implementation of the individual program of rehabilitation of the child with disabilities in terms of getting education for children with disabilities in regular educational institutions. Professor Alekhina participated actively in the Working group of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the project Federal Law from December 29, 2012 № 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” in the development of standards in the field of inclusive education. In the past two years Professor is the official representative of the Russian Federation in the Committee on Education of the EurAsEC. Prof. Alekhina is the official expert of the monitoring programme of inclusive education in Ukraine, she was an expert of UNICEF for the development of inclusive education in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Professor Alekhina was awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.”