Maria Cecilia Camargo Magalhães holds a Doctorate degree in Education by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (USA) with a focus on research on reading and teacher education, based on collaborative-critical methodology. She has been working with theoretical-methodological issues in Teacher Education since 1990, mainly focused on language organization and collaboration to critical thinking and development in formative intervention research, as well as to theoretical-methodological issues towards critical research of collaboration. She conducts research with teacher continuing education within the theoretical frames of Socio-Historical-Cultural Activity Theory to understanding and transformation of teaching-learning processes, focused on reading and writing as teaching-learning processes.

She is currently a Titular Professor at the Linguistic Department and at the Applied Linguistics and Language Studies Post-Graduation Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil.  She has published articles in Brazilian journals and chapters in books published in Brazil, England, Spain, and Denmark, writing on critical collaborative methodology and intervention research based on the socio-cultural-historical theoretical frame. She is the editor, with Sueli Fidalgo, of the book A Formação do Professor como um Profissional Crítico [Education of Teachers as Critical Professionals], Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2004 and Questões de Método e de Linguagem na Formação Docente [Issues on Methodology and on Teacher Education], Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2011).