Shukla Sikder

Shukla Sikder

Monash University, Peninsula Campus, Australia

Research supervisor: Dr Marilyn Fleer

I have developed my PhD research proposal based on Vygotsky’s theory. It is very natural if anyone works on Vygotsky’s theory, we also need to study on the theory of Leont’ev, Luria, Bozhovich, Gutkina, El’konin, Davydov and related people in this area. Sometimes study can not give solution rather makes me confuse.  My supervisor is Marilyn fleer who I believe is the scholar of cultural-historical theory and Nikolai Veresov is another scholar who works in Monash University. Since I work with Marilyn Fleer and also sometimes keep in touch with Nikolai Verseo3v, I have asked questions related cultural-historical theory to them. Although they answer my questions very well, I am still confused some of my questions rose in my mind. I would like to give a small example related to my research topic.

My research is on toddlers’ scientific concept development. During toddler age, imitation is one of the big factors to develop any concept in play and imagination also takes place at this age according to my field data. However, Vygotsky’s theory says imagination builds after age three as per my understanding of play article of Vygotsky(1966). Therefore, I am very much confused at some points of cultural-historical theory. I would like to develop in-depth knowledge on socio-cultural-historical theory and connected methodology as well. I hope, ISCAR summer school can give me the opportunity to fulfill my endeavor where I can examine my queries to build the broader view of cultural-historical theory.