Professor Leibman – PhD in Psychology, Professor of the Department “Ethnopsychology and Psychological Problems of Multicultural Education” at MSUPE. The scientific interests of Prof. Leibman represent: Theories of intercultural competence; Problems of adaptation in an inocultural environment; Social age psychology; Child-parent relationship. Professor Leibman is teaching the Disciplines of Psychological preparation of children and adolescents for study abroad and Psychological readiness for school. The special area of the professor’s interests is how the person is changing at different stages of the life path, how he experiences his difference from others (including the cultural one) and interacts with the world around him. The professor leads supervisory and therapeutic groups, is an author of special courses and basic programs at MSUPE, engaged in psychological counseling for adults, children and adolescents, individual and family therapy. Professor has published more than 30 practically oriented papers, methodological materials for teachers, psychologists and parents.