Carolina Picchetti Nascimento (Brazil)
It is true that cultural historical theory is concerned with practical problems regarding the process of historical cultural development of individuals, but the question is: how can we understand this main concern? What are the practical problems inside this theory? And most importantly: why and for what purpose should we study these practical problems?
Clarice Vaz Peres Alves (Brazil)
My name is Clarice Vaz Peres Alves. I graduated in Arts, Masters in the field of Applied Linguistics to the teaching of the Mother Tongue at the Catholic University of Pelotas and a doctoral student in Education at Federal University of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Elena Korneeva (Russia)
First of all I would like to have clearer idea of current situation in this area of study – about the latest researches, tendencies and methods. Secondly I would really appreciate the opportunity to take part in group discussions and projects as well as getting the chance to communicate with acknowledged specialists in this area.
Eleni Kolokouri (Greece)
My name is Eleni Kolokouri, I am a pre-primary school teacher and a PhD student in the University of Ioannina in Greece. The title of my PhD Thesis is “Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) in formal and informal teaching of Natural Sciences in the early grades (5-9 years old)”
Juliano Camillo (Brazil)
I’ve been working with the Socio-Cultural-Historical approach since 2009, when I started my master’s work, which central subject was the subject-object relation in the experimental activities in science education, in special, the possibilities of sharing the same object in the activity and conditions of making sense through the experimentation.
Maria Soukhanova (Russia)
My name is Maria Soukhanova, I am PhD student in the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia. My Research supervisor PhD of psychology, professor Smirnova Elena, MSUPE. My research is devoted to psychological functions of individual property.
Maria Lucia Panossian(Brazil)
My project deals specifically with issues of appropriation of algebraic concepts, in fact, a particularity of universal processes of the appropriation of concepts, and specially the processes of generalization and abstraction of thought, for which the historical-cultural theory offers many contributions.
Natalia P. Panfil (Russia)
It was F.E. Vasilyuk who inspired me to take part in ISCAR in 2012. Our main goal is to present our ideas about unconsciousness and mystery as a process of constructing unconsciousness in the framework of the cultural-historical approach and to receive some feedback from the other participants.
Niklas Alexander Chimirri (Denmark/Germany)
The project I am currently engaged in takes its epistemological starting point in German-Scandinavian Critical Psychology following Klaus Holzkamp and others. This “school of thought” is deeply rooted in Dialectical Materialism and has heavily drawn on A.N. Leont’ev’s work on the concept of “activity” (amongst other), thus developing a psychology that conceptualises the subject as a “centre of intentionality” which is inextricably interrelated with the world.
Stephanie Breux (Switzerland)
My interest in taking part to the 3rd ISCAR Summer School 2012 is strongly connected to those topics about which I would like to learn more. I am also interested in applying in order to have a direct exchange with other people (professors and students) that share the same approaches and scientific questions.