- Manolis Dafermos – Developing cultural-historical theory in times of crises
- Serena Veggetti – “Cultural-historical psychology today: research challenges & practical perspectives” ISCAR Summer Seminar, July the 6th 2020
- Materials of scientific symposium Scientific School Of L.S. Vygotsky 2016
- Rubtsov V.V. Konokotin A.V. – Chapter 9. “Formation of Higher Mental Functions in Children with Special Educational Needs via Social Interaction”
- Katerina Plakitsi – ” Science Education during Preschool Years. A cultural-historical approach”(article)
- Maria Cecilia Camargo Magalhães Sueli Salles Fidalgo – “Reviewing Critical Research Methodologies for Teacher Education in Applied Linguistics Revisando Metodologias Críticas de Pesquisa paraformação de professores em Linguística Aplicada”
- Sylvie Barma; Barbara Bader – “How one science teacher redefines a science teaching practice around a theme: A case study in the context of educational reform in Québec”
- Guido Benvenuto – “Distance learning, for a transformative dimension of learning and an inclusive school”
- Sueli Salles Fidalgo; Ma. Cecília C. Magalhães – “Fonte: celani, m. A. A e medrado, b. P (orgs). Diálogos sobre inclusão: das políticas às práticas na formação de professores de línguas estrangeiras”. Campinas: pontes. 2017. Pp. 63-96 (Texto revisado e atualizado no livro acima) “Formaçãode professores em contextos de inclusão: a discussão vygotskiana do conceito de Compensação social” (in Portuguese)
- Sylvie Barma, Thérèse Laferrière, Bruno Lemieux, Julie Massé-Morneau & Marie-Caroline Vincent – “Early stages in building hybrid activity between school and work: the case of PénArt”
- Sylvie Barma; Rollande Deslandes, (corresponding author) – “Emeritus Professor, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – Preparing a First Change Laboratory Session Linked to the Issue of Homework and Addressing Methodological Challenges”
- Rollande Deslandes; Sylvie Barma; France Beaumier – “Collaborative School-Family Relationships using the Expansive Learning Cycle to Enhance Parents Empowering in Helping their Child in the Context of a New Reading Method”
- Liberali; Magalhães; Meaney; Santella; Pardim; Diegues – “Critically collaborating to create the “viable unheard of” – connecting Vygotsky and Freire to deal with a devastating reality”
- Sylvie Barma – “A sociocultural reading of reform in science teaching in a secondary biology class”
- Sylvie Barma; Mathieu Lacasse; Julie Massé-Morneau – “Engaging discussion about climate change in a Quebec secondary school: A challenge for science teachers”
- Laure Kloetzer – “VET as transformative, collaborative research: Cross self-confrontation, dialogical artefacts, and the development of organizational dialogue in a Swiss factory”
- Laure Kloetzer – “Doing Research Upside Down: Action and Research in Cross Self-Confrontations”
- Географии детства: междисциплинарный синтез исследовательских подходов и практик – материалы международной молодежной научной школы-конференции
- Neide Elias; Sueli Fidalgo – “Memória, prática e pesquisa para a docência”
- Международная научно-практическая конференция “Трансформация человеческого потенциала в контексте столетия” – материалы