The title of speech for school:

“The development of arguing competencies in the family and in school context”

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Clotilde Pontecorvo is Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology and has been for two mandates Director of the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She has done research on cognitive development and curriculum in different domains, on teacher training, on educational continuity.


Professor and head of the institute of Educational Sciences, founder and head of the department Computer and Education of Berlin University of Arts. Since 2002 professor emeritus.

Editor (since 2001) of the series “International Cultural-historical Human Sciences (ICHS)“, Lehmanns Media, Berlin, vol. 1-34 Editor of website and e-journal.


Harry Daniels is director of the Centre for Sociocultural and Activity Theory Research and Professor of Education: Culture and Pedagogy at the University of Bath, UK. He is also Adjunct Professor, Centre for Learning Research, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia and Research Professor, Centre for Human Activity Theory, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan. His research includes work on processes of social exclusion and processes of collaboration.


Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Professor of the University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA), a head of International UNESCO Chair MSUPE “Cultural-historical psychology of childhood”. Vitaly Rubtsov is a leading scientist, a specialist in general psychology, pedagogical and age psychology.


Arcady Margolis is the First Vice-Rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Professor of Educational Psychology Chair, Professor of International UNESCO Chair MSUPE “Cultural historical psychology of childhood”, PhD in Psychology.


Liudmila Obukhova

The title of speech for school:

“About three types of investigations in Galperin’s theory step by step formation of mental action”

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Liudmila Obukhova is a Doctor of Science in Psychology, Professor, current member of RANS, winner of the RF President prize in the sphere of education, head of the Developmental psychology Department at MSUPE.

Member of the editorial board of the journals “Vestnik of Moscow University” (“Psychology”) and “Psychological Science and Education”.


Dr. Nikolay Veresov is a Professor at Monash University, Australia. Nikolai was a Chair of International Scientific Program Committee of 2014 ISCAR Congress. He is a co-editor of Perspectives in Cultural-Historical Research Springer international book series. He has got his first PhD degree in Moscow in 1990. The second PhD was obtained in University of Oulu (Finland) in 1998.


Professor (emeritus) at the University of Oulu and Professor of Psychology at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius from 2012. He is a head of the Research Laboratory of Play (LUES) and the scientific leader of the research project “Development of Self-regulation in Play”. He reads courses on Qualitative research methods and Cultural historical psychology for MA students.


Senior researcher and lecturer at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius from 2012. She teaches courses on Child development and narrative learning in play and Vygotskian theory of cultural development in childhood. She is the senior researcher in the Research Laboratory of Play (LUES) and the coordinator of research activities in the research project “Development of Self-regulation in Play”.


The title of speech for school:

“Basic concepts of Elkonin-Davydov psychological theory of learning activity”
