Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Professor of the University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA), a head of International UNESCO Chair MSUPE “Cultural-historical psychology of childhood”. Vitaly Rubtsov is a leading scientist, a specialist in general psychology, pedagogical and age psychology.

Arcady Margolis is the First Vice-Rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Professor of Educational Psychology Chair, Professor of International UNESCO Chair MSUPE “Cultural historical psychology of childhood”, PhD in Psychology.

Inger Eriksson is professor in education at Stockholm University. Her research interest is related to teaching and learning. In earlier research projects her focus has been on what learning is made available in classrooms, given different teaching practices.

Doctor of Science, Professor, member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Chair of ergonomics at Moscow State Technical University of Radiotechnics, Electronics and Automatics, honor member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Descendant of a line of renown psychologists, he is the founder of engineering psychology in Russia. He is the author of over 400 published works, including books on child development, psychology of perception, memory, activity and action, thinking, engineering psychology and ergonomics, education, history of Russian psychology.

Yulia Solovieva, Ph.D. in Psychology by Moscow State University, researcher and teacher of Master Program in Neuropsychology of faculty of Psychology of Autonomous University (Mexico). Member of Latin American Society of Neuropsychology. Member of System of Mexican Researchers, invited lecture in different institutions of Latin America & Spain, Member of Doctoral Program in education of Iberoamerican University (Mexico), author of books and articles dedicated to developmental and educational psychology and neuropsychology.

Luis Quintanar, Ph.D. in Psychology by Moscow State University, Founder and Director of Master Program in Neuropsychology of faculty of Psychology of Autonomous University (Mexico). President of Latin American Society of Neuropsychology. Member of System of Mexican Researchers, invited lecture in different institutions of Latin America & Spain, author of books and articles dedicated to neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation.

Doctor of science, Professor, full member of Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, member of ISCAR, member of International Neuropsychology Society (INS), laureate of prestigious “Moscow grants” prize. Head of the laboratory of neuropsychology in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Psychology Faculty. She is also professor at MSUPE; her course for PhD students at Cultural-Historical Psychology department is entitled “Application of Vygotsky’s ideas in developmental and correctional education (Russian and foreign data)”.

Professor (emeritus) at the University of Oulu and Professor of Psychology at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius from 2012. He is a head of the Research Laboratory of Play (LUES) and the scientific leader of the research project “Development of Self-regulation in Play”. He reads courses on Qualitative research methods and Cultural historical psychology for MA students.

Senior researcher and lecturer at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius from 2012. She teaches courses on Child development and narrative learning in play and Vygotskian theory of cultural development in childhood. She is the senior researcher in the Research Laboratory of Play (LUES) and the coordinator of research activities in the research project “Development of Self-regulation in Play”.

PhD, Dr Psych, teaches community psychology in Copenhagen, Denmark and in Fredrikstad, Norway. He investigates participation, subjectivity, ‘wild’ social work, and addiction, with a focus on theories, standards, and practices. He recently published “The Subjectivity of Participation” at Palgrave. Currently heads the project SUBSTANce – Subjects and Standards.

Fyodor Vasiluk – professor, PhD in Psychology, Head of the Chair of the Individual and Group Psychotherapy of Faculty of the Counseling and Clinical Psychology MSUPE, Leading research fellow of the laboratory of counseling psychology and psychotherapy of Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, head of the laboratory of scientific foundations of psychotherapy of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.

Ph.D., professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. His research has focused on problems of the development of personality in the context of cultural and historical psychology.

PhD in psychology, head researcher at laboratory of psychological problems of teacher training. The area of her scientific and research interests covers projects in development of educational environments for different stages of education.

PhD in Psychology, head of Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Modern Childhood and “Psy-Lingua” – Centre of Foreign Languages of MSUPE, senior researcher of the Laboratory for theoretical and experimental Problems of cultural-historical psychology MSUPE, lecturer of the Faculty of Educational Psychology of MSUPE.