Aarhus University, Denmark
Thesis: Expansive learning and change of practice for nurses collaborating in transitional care of older adults
Research supervisor: Mette Spliid Ludvigsen, PhD
My motivation to participate in ISCAR Summer University is first and foremost to get a deeper understanding of foundational ideas of Cultural-historical psychologyand learning and next to network with international colleagues with interest in this field.
I am a doctoral student within health sciences. I am a nurse and I have 15 years as a senior lecturer in nursing behind me. I have worked with learning and learning theories applicable to nursing particularly in the context of simulation based learning, where students learn by exploring and practicing skills and knowledge in scenarios resembling real life nursing practice.
My interest in cultural historical activity theory began during the design of my PhD protocol.
I was introduced to the massive theory and concepts behind Change Lab Method developed by Engeström and co-workers. I found the idea of learning and developing practice as an organization more relevant to my research field than focusing on individuals´ skills and knowledge which was my initial idea.This change of perspective has led to an investigation of nurses´ collaboration concerning transitions of older adults between hospital and primary care through the lens of concepts from cultural historical activity theory, and an investigation of how nurses can collaboratively learn and develop practice crossing organizational boundaries in a change lab intervention.
In the description of the ISCAR PhD summer school 2019 it is emphasized that interpretation and use of Vygotsky’s´ ideas is often insufficient in scholars´ works. My background in health sciences and being new to the field of activity theory taken into consideration I am both struck and motivated by that statement. I wish to expand my knowledge about the underlying ideas and mechanisms behind the investigation and intervention that I will conduct in my PhD studies. It is a demanding task to grasp the complex foundation of ideas of Vygotsky and coworkers and I anticipate that I would benefit immensely from the ISCAR Summer University program. I would also contribute new interprofessional perspectives on empirical research within the field. Given the chance to participate, I will look forward to discuss activity theory, organizational development, current challenges and future ambitions with other scholars as well as getting feedback on my own work.