In accordance with the ISCAR executive order No 38 and following the First ISCAR Summer University held in 2010 we are pleased to invite you to participate in the International ISCAR Summer University on cultural-historical psychology and activity theory! The scientific school of cultural-historical psychology is associated with the names of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luriya, M.M. Bahtin, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov and many others, and is presently the center of attention in the international scientific and educational community. The ongoing integration processes confront the leading and up-and-coming scholars with a number of tasks, such as development and correlation of the key theoretical concepts of cultural-historical and activity theory in the works of Russian and foreign scholars, developing a unified conceptual framework, supporting collaborative projects and research.
Summer University aims at an in-depth and intensive investigation of basic socio-cultural-historical concepts and works. It also aims to discuss the connection between theory and the various methodologies as well as to reflect on emerging practical problems that concern education, psychotherapy, social policy, social work, urban planning, new information and communication technologies etc.