4th ISCAR Summer University – the blog
Dear all, we have an online live report of everything going on at the Summer University, created by joint efforts of participants. You can check out reports from each day of the event on the Day by day page.
Dear all, we have an online live report of everything going on at the Summer University, created by joint efforts of participants. You can check out reports from each day of the event on the Day by day page.
Dear all, we are updating the website as we go, so that the materials appear online as soon as they are presented. Please check the Programme page; click on the title of the lecture to view the presentations of the professors and on the name to view the presentations of the participants.
The 4th ISCAR Summer University “Moving with and beyond Vygotsky: Developing cultural-historical methodology” began with a traditional welcome address from the rector, Vitaly Rubtsov, who wished everyone good productive work and shared his joy that the tradition continues. Dr. Martijn van Schaik gave a brief speech on behalf of ISCAR with a greeting from the president [...]
Dear PhD students and professors! The following news is addressed to all interested in cultural-historical and activity research! There are places still available for ISCAR Summer University 2013 taking place in MSUPE (Moscow) on 1-7 July 2013, and we announce an extended deadline for submission of applications - December 1, 2012. Please circulate this information among [...]
We are happy to announce the participants of Second International ISCAR Summer University 2011 in Moscow! Download Informational letter No.2 (PDF, 532 кв)
We are pleased to present new videos from ISCAR summer school: The lecture “Problem of development in cultural-historical theory: subject matter and the method. Main emphasis will be made for the requirements for the genetical-experimental method” by Nikolai VeresovThe lecture “Cultural environments of early developments: how to support the acquisition of cultural tools” by Milda BredikyteThe [...]
Georg Rückriem “Understanding media revolution: How digitalization is to be considered?” (the whole lecture consists of 4 parts). You can see all the parts here You can view all the video from ISCAR Summer School here
You can view all the video from ISCAR Summer School here Video lectures: Pentti Hakkarainen “Methodological problems of doing research on developmental transitions” (the whole lecture consists of 2 parts) You can see all the parts here Victor Gurujapov “Basic concepts of Elkonin-Davydov psychological theory of learning activity” (the whole lecture consists of 4 parts) You [...]
From Sunday, 20 June, to Thursday, 24 June 2010 the 1st ISCAR International Summer School for PhD Students took place at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE). Titled ‘Cultural-Historical Research Methodology: Rethinking the Past for the Future’ this event provided the possibility for 28 PhD students from all over the world to deepen [...]