Shai Olsher

Shai Olsher

Weizmann Institute of Science, dept. Science teaching

Research supervisor: Prof. Ruhama Even

The problem I would like to deal with in the frame of the summer university is unpacking the first-year of the Integrated Mathematics Wiki-book Project using CHAT (Cultural Historical Activity Theory), and connecting it to my research questions. I would like to describe the project using an EMT model and the three levels of activity theory (activity ßà motive, actionßàgoal, operationßàondition), and to investigate the different components and their connections, thus creating a general picture of the activity. I expect that building this CHAT based description will assist me to better indicate the possible contribution of the working environment to the process of suggesting changes to the textbook, and reveal some characteristics of the changes teachers suggested.

The main reason for me wanting to deal with this in the frame of the summer university is the opportunity to have my work and theoretical understating challenged by experts and peers with similar areas of interest. Working and sharing thoughts and dilemmas with other research students that face close methodological questions while working with cultural-historical frameworks would help me focus and sharpen my analysis, and also help me expand my view to include aspects that were perhaps overlooked.

I also believe that the summer university is a great place for personal and professional connections to develop, and for sharing ideas and views, which is an essential part of professional development.

Presentation “Changes in the textbook performed by teachers using a Wikibook”

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