Andre Machado Rodrigues
E-mail: andremr@if.usp.br
The title of speech for school:
The teacher training (pre-service)
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My name is André Machado Rodrigues, male and native from Brazil. Since January I am PhD student at University of São Paulo (Brazil). My PhD Supervisor is professor Cristiano Rodrigues de Mattos (ISCAR member). Currently I am working at the Secretary of Education of São Paulo state with in-service teacher´s education. I am submitting to scholarships of some Brazilian support agencies but the process is in judge.
My master dissertation was my last work. There I studied the relation between the cognitive model of conceptual profile and the cultural perspective of ‘context’, using as theoretical base the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (Vygotsky, Leont’ev and Engeström). There were some questions within the text serving as background, mainly looking for the relationship between cognition and communication, activity and discourse, conceptual profile and context. These broad questions were touched in a limited perspective allowing use the theoretical framework to understand the teach-learning process and communicative activity in the science classrooms. As one consequence of this approach we inserted in the core of theoretical framework some principles of complexity.
Currently, at my PhD work, I am still interested in these questions, however we aim introduce two concepts in our theoretical approach: Marx’s alienation and Freire’s problematization to closer understand the activity dynamic (specially the Learn Activity). To deal with this question we are investigating pre-service Physics teacher formation courses, proposing some questions: how do teachers learn to be a teacher? What is the role of the practice in their training? How did practical disciplines evolve pre-service teachers’ practice of teaching?
During this summer school I would like to have a deeper comprehension about Activity Theory and interact with other researches to share some methodological problems and difficulties I have to propose a research design of my PhD theses.
RODRIGUES, A. M. & MATTOS, C. R. (2007) Reflexões sobre a noção de significado em contexto. Indivisa, Boletín de Estudios e Investigación 7, 323-331.
André Machado Rodrigues “The teacher training (pre-service)”