Lecture by Arcady Margolis: “A teacher in cultural-historical activity approach” Download presentation (PDF; 303 KB)
Arcady Margolis has been working at MSUPE since its foundation in 1997. He is First Vice-Rector (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs) of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Professor of Educational Psychology Chair, Professor of International Chair of Cultural and Historical Psychology, PhD in Psychology.
Arcady Margolis holds a great organizational work in coincidence with teaching as a Professor of Educational Psychology Chair and International Chair of Cultural and Historical Psychology.
Arcadiy Margolis is a well-known expert in Educational Psychology and pedagogues and psychologists training. A.A. Margolis has contributed to the development of a number of scientific concepts and projects, such as Psychological Basis in Use of Information Technologies”, “Cultural and Historical Type of School”, “The Regional model of psychological support for developing education.” The results of these researches have been continually discussed at the Top International Congresses and Conferences.
Team of contributors led by Arcadiy Margolis studied the psychological features in dialogical learning environments focused on thinking development of primary school-aged children. This work resulted in the development of a training course “Philosophy for Children (primary school-aged children). It was approved and recommended by the Ministry of Education for primary schools and officially recognized by UNESCO. At the present time a large number of different schools in Russia provide with this course. Teachers are prepared to work with this program.
Arcadiy Margolis is involved in psychologists training. New activity-based model’ for psychologists training was developed with his direct participation and co-supervision and approved by RF Board of Ministry of Education and applied in learning process at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education.
Since 1995 scientific and methodic journal ‘Psychology and Education’ has been initiated by Arcadiy Margolis and published with his participation as a first deputy chief editor (chief editor –V.V. Rubtsov, journal circulation -3000 copies.).
A.A. Margolis is the Chairman of the Scientific Council at Educational Psychology Faculty, a member of Scientific Council of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, a member of Federal Expert Council of the RF Ministry of Education.
Margolis has published more than 50 scientific publications – 77 printed pages, including those abroad. Arcadiy Margolis as a team contributor led by Vitaly Rubtsov was awarded for contribution to these developments by RF President’s Prize in education for 1998.
- Computer as a Means of Educational Simulation // Informatics and Education, #5, 1987.
- Development of Pupils’ Teaching and Learning Activities in the Use of Computer-Based Media // Abstract of the Ph.D. thesis – Institute of PTD APS USSR, Moscow, 1990.
- Vygotsky at the Computer: A Soviet View of «Tools» for Learning // The Computing Teacher. August/September, 1991.
- Cultural and Historical Type of School // Psychological Issues, #5, 1995.
- Cultural and Historical Type of School // Russian Education and Society. N.Y., #8, 1995.
- A Comparison Between the Philosophy for Children Approach and the Cultural–Historical and Activity Approaches: Psychological and Educational Fondations (afterward), Vygotskyan dialogues by Lipman. – Teacher College Press, 1996.
- Activity Oriented Models of Information-Based Instructional Environments, Technology and the Future of Schooling (Ed. By Stephen T. Kerr), part 2. – The University of Chicago Press, 1996.
- “Philosophy for Children” Programme // Psychological Science and Education, #1, 1996.
- “Philosophy for Children” as a New School Subject // Psychological Science and Education Journal, #1, pp.42-50, 1996.
- Cultural and Historical Type of School (Project of Development) // Psychological Science and Education Journal, #4, 1996.
- “Philosophy for Children” as an Interlocutory School Subject. Part 1 // Psychological Science and Education, #4, 1997.
- “Philosophy for Children” as an Interlocutory School Subject. Part 2 // Psychological Science and Education, #1, 1998.
- Strategy for the Development of Higher Psychological Education // Psychological Science and Education, #2, 1998.
- Correlation Between the Processes of a Psychologist Training and Features of the Professional Activities // Psychological Science and Education, #2, 2003.
- Advanced Integration Model for Psychological Science, Education and Practice Based on the RAE Psychological Institute // Psychological Issues, #2, 2004.
- Role and Tasks of Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics in Determining the Quality of Education // Psychological Science and Education Journal, #4, 2007.
- Criteria of Professional Competence of Educational Psychologist. #1, 2010.
- Educational Policy Journal, #4 (42), 2010. “Teacher for the New School: Modernization of Pedagogical Education in Russia”;
- Educational Policy Journal, # (43), 2010. “Psychological and Pedagogical Training of a Teacher for Primary School”