Maria Antonietta Impedovo
The course is very interesting for my research work. I graduated in October of 2008 at University of Bari in Educational Psychology and E-learning. My graduation thesis was about Educational Psychology and E-learning. I wrote it with the support of Professor Beatrice Ligorio. The interest in cultural –historical prospective grew up in this period. In my research thesis I study the interactions an online community in Synergeia platform (Ligorio and Veermans, 2005). After graduation in 2009, I attended a specialization course at the Department of Education. After that, in January 2010, I attend PhD in “Theory, Technology and History of Education” in University of Macerata. I started in Jenuary 2011 my second years.
The Iscar Summer School that I would like to attend, will give me the chance to improve my knowledge about the cultural-historical psychology and meet leading researchers, heirs to the Russian tradition.
I have a good background in theories of knowledge creation (Scardamalia, 2003) and expanding learning (Engeström, 1987). I have a good preparation in methodology. I used for my research thesis different qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Specifically, the approach of Grunded Theory (Glaser, Strauss, 1967), Content Analysis (Berelson, 1952) and Social Network Analysis (Wasserman e Faust, 1994), to study the interaction of the online community of virtual learning.
In Iscar Summer School I hope to discuss about my research questions and enrich with others my ideas and prospective . I hope to create contacts and partnerships for the benefit of a shared research. I have always believed in the importance of learning as a prerequisite to improve my ability as a person and as a researcher. I believe that the course can make me a better researcher in cultural –historical prospective.
I want to make “Activity Theory” my research field. My interests range from theoretical dimension of learning, reflection on the most current technologies and application in education. I like to explore the interdisciplinary field of education and computer science (Kaptelinin, V.; Nardi, Bonnie, 2006).
Finally, the course will give me the opportunity to compare myself to the other students interested in cultural-historical psychology in a international atmosphere living. I think it is a exciting experience.