Professor and head of the institute of Educational Sciences, founder and head of the department Computer and Education of Berlin University of Arts. Since 2002 professor emeritus.
Organizer of the 1st International Congres of Activity theory 1986 and founder of ISCRAT (International Society for Sociocultural Research of Activity Theory). Bearer of the first Service Medal of ISCAR.
Editor (since 2001) of the series “International Cultural-historical Human Sciences (ICHS)“, Lehmanns Media, Berlin, vol. 1-34 Editor of website and e-journal.
Special interests:
– History of the Russian School of Cultural-historical Psychology including activity theory.
– Translation into German and edition of several works especially of Vygotsky and Leontiev.
– Digitalization, New Media and learning, learning institutions and learning culture.
– Methodological problems of activity theory.
– Understanding activity theory as systems theoretical thinking (E.G. Judin).
– Rethinking Cultural-historical Psychology on the background of media history.