Riitta-Liisa Karjalainen
My name is Riitta-Liisa karjalainen, a female PhD student in University of Oulu, Finland. I’m working under the supervision of professor Maija-Leena Huotari and university lecturer, PhD Terttu Kortelainen. In Kajaani (where I live) I have participated in the doctoral school of professor Pentti Hakkarainen. The topic of my dissertation is Information literacy as a social phenomenon -Developing the Zone of the Proximal (ZPD) in health information literacy programmes for adolescents. I work as a fulltime library manager in University of Applied Sciences in Kajaani. I also teach as a part time teacher. As part of my doctoral studies I have had the opportunity to attend a few international seminars and courses where I have given presentations. The latest course was called ‘Learning, information, and information literacy’ at Doctoral School in Educational Sciences (DSES-LEARN) at University of Gothenburg (the course director was professor Roger Säljö).
I am interested to participate in this summer school because the doctoral school of professor Hakkarainen has arisen my interest in cultural-historical theory and I would like to deepen my understanding especially in ZPD and activity theory which are connected to my research interest.
The subjects of the summer school are inspiring since I currently am writing the theoretical background of my dissertation and starting to collect data. So I think that this summer school is a good opportunity also for improving my theoretical knowledge and my methodological skills. I also appreciate the possibility to meet and discuss with leading scholars and other students in this field.