My name is Lukin Nikolay, I am 26 years old. I am a graduate student at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. I work in The Center of Psycho-Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction as a psychologist. It is part of the state educational institutions in Moscow.
The area of my scientific interests is the research of argumentation and of it`s influence on children development and education. I participated in The ISCAR Congress 2011which took place in Rome. There I presented the poster entitled “The role of argumentation in constructing of child hypotheses on the structure and operation of live organisms”. My scientific supervisors and mentors are prof. Obuhova L. (Russia), prof. Arcidiacono F. (Switzerland). Participation in the 3rd ISCAR Summer University “Moving with a beyond Vygotsky” is very interesting for me for several reasons. I’ll try to describe them in details.
First of all, because The Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) is one of the main methodological foundations of our research. In this study, lot of attention is paid to the works of
Vygotsky’s followers, such as Davydov, El’konin Galperin and others. Therefore the participation in The Summer University will expand my understanding of CHAT new meanings and contents.
I am very interested in the opportunity to present my research to the other participants. The discussion with PhD students and professors, appealing to comparable theoretical basis, permits to open new directions and possibilities for the work. I also suppose that the international scientific interaction is one of the factors of individual progress in professional specialization. This kind of experience is very favorable for scientific project advancement. Such collaboration helps to work out a critical view on own positions and fundamentals.
From my participation in The Summer University ISCAR I expect to meet new people and to get inspired by their ideas and visions.
Presentation “Argumentation in the child hypotheses constructing”
Download presentation of the speech (PDF; 503KB)