Moscow State University of Psychology and Education / University of Helsinki, CRADLE
Research supervisors: Prof. emer. Jaakko Virkkunen, Dr. Yrjö Engeström
The key issue, which I am studying, is the process of an activity system formation among teachers and administrators in educational institutions, in the context of the local education policy implementation and settings of forthcoming educational institutions integration into one “Educational Complex” (Consortium of schools) in Russia Federation.
The main idea of an activity-theoretical research is to investigate a new activity system formation through shared object of activity construction by practitioners in collaboration. My interest is to describe the Change Laboratory sessions through the analytical framework of concept formation. Term “collaborative concept formation” will be discussed in practical case.
Interventions methodology provides us with the method of studying the formation in its development. In the research, social interaction is organized in the form of the sessions by intervention generic method “Change Laboratory” (Engeström, 1987).
Together with my colleagues in Moscow (Activity Research Laboratory), where I conduct an experiment, and Helsinki (CRADLE, Center for Research Development and Learning), where I am writing the PhD thesis, we discuss different ways of school development in the activity-theory way of thinking and international perspective.
Presentation “An Activity-theoretical Study of Common Activity Formation in Educational Complex”
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